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Love hurts ,because it is always do.
For being too foolish to fall on the person we didn't know well, yet we fall in-love instantly.
But even a simple person that is in-love having good time with each others heart.
Still can't escape the wound of heartache who cut deep.
Until it is hard to manage but don't worry simply say we can move-on, and love again.
Ahaha when there is pain, we gain.
The spices of sweet romance, is turning bitterness into temtation. Actually.
We can be immune from being hurt, just think of one word that is to resist the feeling and being numb most of the time, but when love plays it ruined your focus that's the time it will ruled you. But no matter what happen to us, having you and loving you, is the good thing to do. 😁👍
(I love you❤)

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